The Ph.D. Centre in Business Policy and Administration (Commerce & Management Faculty) was started under the able guidance of Dr. Ruki Mirchandani, who successfully guided 13 research scholars. HSNC University granted Permanent recognition to Research Centres for the Ph.D. (Commerce & Management) Degree Program in the subjects of Business Policy & Administration and Business Economics. The Centre on the subject of Business Policy & Administration has Six guides, Dr. Pooja Ramchandani, Dr. Rita Khatri, Dr. Jaya Manglani, Dr. Navin Punjabi, Dr. Jasbir Sodi, and Dr. Tasneem Razmi, who specialize and guide students in research areas related to commerce, management, and finance.
A new Centre for Ph.D. in Business Economics (Commerce Faculty) with 5 seats started functioning from March 6, 2014, under the guidance of Dr. Geeta Nair. Four students, Tasneem Razmi, Sunil Lalchandani, Kesar Lalchandani and Jasbir Kaur Sodi have successfully completed their doctorates and 3 new students, Payal Meghani, Kirti Verma, and Susan Mathews have submitted their synopsis in 2022-23. Ms. Rifa Patel has registered for Ph. Economics under Prof. Dr. Geeta Nair.
ACTIVITIES 2022-2023
There has been a phenomenal rise in faculty research through minor and major research projects, publications, and conference presentations. The college encourages collaborative research among students and faculty, and many students undertake joint research projects with their faculty mentor and primary researcher.
Name of the subject offered | Business Policy & Administration (Commerce) | Business Economics |
Ph.D. guides Centre’s | 06 | 01 |
Enrolment capacity | 26 | 05 |
Ph.D. students registered | 15 | 04 |
Students completed Ph.D. | 11 (since inception) | 04 |
May 27, 2023
A virtual meeting of the RAC was held on the Zoom platform for all the research scholars pursuing Ph.D. from the research centres at HR College. The college currently has two research centres under the faculty of Commerce: Ph.D. in Business Policy and Administration and Ph.D. in Business Economics with 5 research guides and 19 research scholars.
The meeting had a full quorum and was composed of the chairperson and Director Dr. Pooja Ramchandani, members: Dr. Geeta Nair, Dr. Rita Khatri, Dr. Jaya Manglani, and Dr. Navin Punjabi along with three subject experts nominated by the Director of the constituent Department of the University: Dr. Neelam Arora, Dr. Khushpat Jain, and Dr. Kanchan Fulmali. The meeting was presided by the Chairperson and Principal Dr. Pooja Ramchandani.
The purpose of the meeting was to undertake a periodic review of the progress done by Ph.D. students in their research work and assist them in the timely completion of the research. Each Ph.D. research scholar shared their progress report and did a presentation regarding the same in presence of the committee members. Research scholars were given 5 minutes to share their progress and committee members and experts provided valuable feedback to them about their work. The meeting ended with a lot of enthusiasm and words of praise by Dr. Geeta Nair and Dr. Navin Punjabi. The formal vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Jaya Manglani to the Chair, Subject experts, Research Guides and Research Scholars.
Sr. No. | Name of Ph.D. student | Name of Guide | Suggestions |
1 | Ms. Meena Desai | Dr. Pooja Ramchandani | |
2 | Ms. Sumita Madav | Dr. Pooja Ramchandani | |
3 | Ms. Subhashini Iyengar | Dr. Pooja Ramchandani | |
4 | Mr. Rahul Shetty | Dr. Pooja Ramchandani | |
5 | Ms. Payal Meghani | Dr. Geeta Nair | |
6 | Ms. Kirti Varma | Dr. Geeta Nair | |
7 | Ms. Bharti Jethani | Dr. Geeta Nair | |
8 | Ms. Arti Modi | Dr. Rita Khatri | |
9 | Ms. Manya Hardwani | Dr. Rita Khatri | |
10 | Ms. Anjalli Vacchani | Dr. Rita Khatri | |
11 | Mr. Rahul Mohile | Dr. Jaya Manglani | |
12 | Mr. Vikas Singh | Dr. Jaya Manglani | |
13 | Mr. Manish Punjabi | Dr. Jaya Manglani | |
14 | Mr. Akshay Joshi | Dr. Jaya Manglani | |
15 | Ms. Sonal Aditya Jain | Dr. Navin Mukesh Punjabi | |
16 | Mr. Rahul Mishra | Dr. Navin Mukesh Punjabi | |
17 | Ms. Preeti Salecha | Dr. Navin Mukesh Punjabi | |
18 | Ms. Chetna Kaklotar | Dr. Navin Mukesh Punjabi |
February 7, 2023 Virtual on Zoom
H.R College of Commerce & Economics, lead constituent college, HSNC University, Mumbai, Ph.D. Centre had organized the “One-Day International Multidisciplinary Conference, India @100: Vision 40 Trillion Dollar Economy.” On February 7, 2023 under the Azadi ka Amrit Utsav initiative. We invited contribution of research scholars in the areas of Commerce & Management, Economics, Education, Technology, Environment, Communication, Accountancy, and Law.
There was an overwhelming response from the academic community with more than 50 papers presented and in the presence of Provost Dr. Niranjan Hiranandani, Keynote Speaker Ex Vice Chancellor Kurukshetra University Shri Madan Mohan Goel and Keynote Speaker Ms. Angie Kamath, Dean NYU, USA. Academic deliberations were focused on how India can become superpower by focusing on certain areas such as infrastructure, social equity, education, environment, healthcare and technology.
Most papers presented focused on commerce, banking, finance, infrastructure, economics and education. The discussions ranged from need for an advanced technology, democratic labour policy, vocational and higher education in India. Significant deliberations on country-based goals & future benefits of India’s demographic dividend were also tabled. Several other papers focused on advancement of digital technology, future of artificial intelligence, achievement of gender equality & high GDP as an indicator of economic welfare & progress.
The conference ended on a note of high optimism and provided all participants with immense networking opportunities and scholarly inputs. HR College looks forward to organising many more seminars, conferences, conventions and symposiums in the future.
Activities Photo Gallery
ACTIVITIES 2021-2022
January 17-27, 2022
The Ph.D. Centre in Business Policy and Administration (Commerce faculty) organized a 10-day Ph.D. course work on the zoom platform with Dr. Santosh C.H., University Librarian & Director, Publication Division, Central University of Haryana. 42 research scholars from colleges in Mumbai, Ratnagiri participated in the workshop. The workshop had an international presence, as there was one participant from Afghanistan.
The objectives of the Workshop were:
- To understand the key concepts in research methodology.
- To examine the concept of appropriate research design.
- To enable the participants to identify the research gaps for the literature review.
- To enhance thesis writing skills.
- To know how to write citations.
Academic writing is a challenging task for research scholars. There is a need to identify the rationale for research, logical arrangement of the ideas, and plan the structure of the thesis. Data mining and artificial intelligence are now key concepts that challenge the frontiers of the research study. Substantial knowledge of statistics and Excel are primary requirements in the area of social sciences research. The challenges to effective writing call for clarity, precision, and thoroughness.
At the end of the coursework, participants gained a good amount of knowledge from eminent speakers in the areas of proposal writing and report writing. The knowledge disseminated by resource persons over the 10 days during their sessions will undoubtedly go a long way in helping the research work of participants.
April 30, 2022
Organised a webinar with Dr. Santosh C.H., University Librarian & Director, Publication Division, Central University of Haryana.
Objectives of the session:
- To enhance participants' knowledge about automated indexing tools
- To help research scholars write citations
Key Takeaways:
Participants immensely benefited in the following areas:
- Citation indices, metrics
- Calculating impact & analysis
- Weighted Metrics & Prestige Metrics
- Calculation of h-index, iif, i-index, i-20 index
- Automated indexing Tools like CiteSeer, GS
- Understanding the basic trends of citation
- Six impact zones of research
- Years of IF Vs. Immediacy Index
- Citation data sources and agencies
The outcome of the session:
- Participants learned about the technicalities of citation metrics.
- Participants became aware of the predatory practices in citation.
- Participants learned how to write for quality publications.
Name of the subject offered | Business Policy & Administration (Commerce) | Business Economics |
Ph.D. guides Centre’s | 04 | 01 |
Enrolment capacity | 24 | 05 |
Ph.D. students registered | 18 | 04 |
Students completed Ph.D. | 10 (since inception) | 04 |
May 6, 2022
A virtual meeting of the RAC was held on the Zoom platform for all the research scholars pursuing Ph.D. from the research centres at H.R. College. The college currently has 2 research centres under the faculty of Commerce: Ph.D. in Business Policy and Administration and Ph.D. in Business Economics with 5 research guides and 20 research scholars.
The meeting had a full quorum and was composed of the Chairperson and Director Dr. Pooja Ramchandani, members: Dr. Geeta Nair, Dr. Rita Khatri, Dr. Jaya Manglani, and Dr. Navin Punjabi along with three subject experts nominated by the Director of the constituent Department of the University: Dr. Neelam Arora, Dr. Khushpat Jain, and Dr. Kanchan Fulmali.
The meeting was presided by the Chairperson and Principal Dr. Pooja Ramchandani. The purpose of the meeting was to undertake a periodic review of the progress done by Ph.D. students in their research work and assist them in the timely completion of the research. Each Ph.D. research scholar shared their progress report and did a presentation regarding the same in presence of the committee members. Research scholars were given 5 minutes to share their progress and committee members and experts provided valuable feedback to them about their work.
The meeting ended with a lot of enthusiasm and words of praise by Dr. Geeta Nair and Dr. Navin Punjabi. The formal vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Rita Khatri to the Chair, Subject experts, Research Guides and Research Scholars.
Sr. No. | Name of Ph.D. student | Name of Guide | Suggestions |
1 | Ms. Meena Desai | Dr. Pooja Ramchandani | |
2 | Ms. Kanupriya | Dr. Pooja Ramchandani | |
3 | Ms. Sumita Madav | Dr. Pooja Ramchandani | |
4 | Ms. Subhashini Iyengar | Dr. Pooja Ramchandani | |
5 | Mr. Rahul Shetty | Dr. Pooja Ramchandani | |
6 | Ms. Payal Meghani | Dr. Geeta Nair | |
7 | Ms. Kirti Varma | Dr. Geeta Nair | |
8 | Ms. Bharti Jethani | Dr. Geeta Nair | |
9 | Ms. Arti Modi | Dr. Rita Khatri | |
10 | Ms. Manya Hardwani | Dr. Rita Khatri | |
11 | Ms. Simran Kalyani | Dr. Rita Khatri | |
12 | Ms. Anjalli Vacchani | Dr. Rita Khatri | |
13 | Mr. Rahul Mohile | Dr. Jaya Manglani | |
14 | Mr. Vikas Singh | Dr. Jaya Manglani | |
15 | Mr. Manish Punjabi | Dr. Jaya Manglani | |
16 | Mr. Akshay Joshi | Dr. Jaya Manglani | |
17 | Ms. Sonal Aditya Jain | Dr. Navin Mukesh Punjabi | |
18 | Mr. Rahul Mishra | Dr. Navin Mukesh Punjabi | |
19 | Ms. Preeti Salecha | Dr. Navin Mukesh Punjabi | |
20 | Ms. Chetna Paresh Kaklotar | Dr. Navin Mukesh Punjabi |
September 24, 2021 Participants: 70
Department of Economics of K.C. College under its Speaker Series, and the Department of Business Economics of H.R. College, organised a talk in collaboration with Meghnad Desai Academy of Economics.
Mr. Prashanth Irudayaraj delivered an online lecture on the topic ‘Cryptocurrency 101’. He spoke about the origin of Cryptocurrency, its functioning, and the opportunities of Crypto. The students had questions regarding crypto and its future in the Indian economy.
Key Highlights were as follows:
- The blockchain ledger is a computer program. It functions as a behind-the-scenes backbone where all [financial] transactions are securely recorded without any intermediaries in a ledger that every participant can see, but no one can change unless by an authorized transaction recorded on this blockchain.
- The name cryptocurrency is a combination of cryptography and currency. With cryptography, we use advanced math to secure our funds, making sure that nobody else can spend them.
- Its permission-less as no one can stop using cryptocurrency. Centralized payment services, on the other hand, can freeze accounts or prevent transactions from being made.
- A cheap and fast payment method as a transaction to someone on the other side of the world, money can be with them within seconds - at a fraction of the cost of an international wire transfer.
- It's speculation since there's no intrinsic correct value for it. Bitcoin is worth what people decide it's worth each day.
- Bitcoin is the biggest coin by market cap, having first launched just over 10 years ago.
- Today’s major crypto coin players are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Cardano, and Ripple.
The students found the talk very informative. The session ended with Q&A and all queries were addressed effectively.
March 12, 2022
Students of H.R., K.C. & M.D.A.E. attended a session organised in collaboration, with the Meghnad Desai Academy of Economics and ORF.
After opening remarks by Mr. Dhaval Desai, Senior Fellow & Vice President, ORF; the speakers were introduced by Dr. Bhagyashri Dabke, Program Coordinator, MDAE.
Both Dr. Sanjay Deshpande, Director of Centre for Central Eurasian Studies, University of Mumbai, and Dr. Nivedita Kapoor, Post-doctoral Fellow, Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow made a run-through of their analysis of the Russia Ukraine Crisis. Several points were raised and discussed well by are speakers. The key highlights of the session are as follows:
- Ukraine alone makes up almost half of the exports of sunflower oil. If harvesting and processing are hindered in a war-torn Ukraine, or exports are blocked, importers will struggle to replace supplies.
- Disruptions to food supplies could have “potentially dire consequences” for poor countries.
- Prices for energy grains and metals soared since the invasion of Ukraine, signaling that inflation rates are poised to accelerate.
- India could be one of the majorly impacted countries since it imports 80 percent of its crude oil from other countries.
- India has limited connections relating to the banking & corporate sector with both the countries so the impact shall be negligible in such areas.
- Russia is also one of the largest wheat producers in the world & accounts for more than 18% of the international exports
- UPI in financial year 21-22, crossed the $1 Trillion mark in transactions If UPI can fill such a vacuum it shall be a great leap for India in the finance sector by UPI being the vacuum filler & replacing SWIFT in the Russian market.
The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Nandini Sengupta, K.C. College.